Tuesday, September 23, 2008

知識管理 別犯九大錯誤


有人戲稱「知識管理」是資訊科技業為提振市場買氣,發展出來的名詞,這雖是玩笑話,不過,企業若未能掌握知識管理的精神,盲目投入,將會白忙一場、毫無所獲 。












【2008/09/19 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Stage Design of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

The play we watched on class was shown in a film form, not performed on stage. Hence, I started to wonder how that would be if I was a producer and I had a plan to put this significant play on stage.

According to the film version and the script, basically there are only two major scenes, the bedroom scene and the balcony scene, especially the former at witch at least 80 percent part of the play happen. The balcony scene, though, doesn’t occupy too much time, it still has its meaning and I think it plays an important role to the play.

Therefore, here comes the question, how can I put the two scenes on a stage and make these two have certain relation or connection at the same time? I have observed that actually the balcony is always there and it never disappears from the play, because it is always right there behind the bedroom and the audience knows that as well. Based on this point, I acknowledge that I have to add some devices which can make a perfect fusion of these two scenes. Suddenly, something crosses my mind, and I recall that there is a brilliant and huge prop on stage in a bloody play which is featured a demon barber named Sweeny Todd.

The barber shop really impresses me a lot, because it skillfully makes the barber shop and the house of his sinister fellow, Mrs. Lovett, in to one. This device truly saves time and money when changing scenes and working the play much more efficiently. The arrangement also conveys an idea, in my opinion, and that is like saying Sweeny Todd and Mrs. Lovett are the same and they should be together, so it is their doom to die together and at the same sinful place.

From this idea, though Brick and Maggie are not the same kind of person, obviously Maggie never wants to leave Brick, for love or for money, I am not sure though I prefer the latter reason, but according to this situation, Maggie is much like Mrs. Lovett, whose stay I am sure is out of love with Sweeny Todd. From this reason, the balcony and the bedroom never should be apart, if my interpretations are right, because I think the balcony refers to brick and the bedroom should be always woman’s world. So in this play, the bedroom is under Maggie’s rule, and the balcony is the only place where the refugee, Brick, can escape to.

For the bedroom setting, I just plan to have a bed and a delicate tiny wine bar next to the bed. Of course I mean to do this arrangement. Like what I have mentioned, Maggie is the boss of the bedroom and she keeps talking, complaining and wailing without stop. She leads that place, as the bed which is always the spotlight in a bedroom, and this makes a beautiful contrary between Maggie and her alcoholic husband, Brick, and between the bed and the tiny wine bar.

One man who drinks too much and gets pushed too much definitely needs a place to breathe and take a little rest, and the balcony is just the right place for Brick. Summer is an extremely hot and annoying season, and leaving people the feeling that living in a hotpot and getting boiled to explosion and to death; additionally, if at this time, there is someone who is nagging around and about you all the time, don’t you think killing yourself with alcohol is a much better idea? While even alcohol cannot earn some peace for you, maybe going to the balcony seeing some stars and taking some fresh air is another way to do.

The balcony is very different from the bedroom; bedroom is a very private place for a couple, but the balcony is open to anyone. Women like saving their faces and keep looking fabulous in front of everybody all the time, so a pretty and elegant woman like Maggie will never yell to her husband outside and embarrass herself. No wonder Brick likes staying outside instead of inside.

In a film, the setting can be as realistic as possible. A play on stage in a theater can’t be that way, however. That‘s why I consider the achievement of touching people by performing in a theater is greater than by any other performing forms. On stage, the space is limit and that’s impossible to do any special effects like using in movies, and the most difficult part is that—there is no chance to fix any mistake.

From this point, I know those performers only can rely on their skill of acting to move people and trigger the audience’s emotions along with the plot. Too many trifles is not a helper for a performance, sometimes it leads people to distraction. Without them, the audience is able to focus on the profession of actors and follow their directions to a better and deeper understanding about the play.

For the performers’ every movement and emotion that can be seen and followed up, I make a device referring to lady-Susan and having a spinning disk below. With that device the setting which combines the balcony and the bedroom together is capable of doing 360 degree rotation. That means the audience is not only can see either scenes only at a time, but also two spots at the same time. In other words, when brick escapes from the room and to the balcony, we not only see how mush pressure Brick is under and how he finds little peach there for a while, but also watch how Maggie is planning to get what she wants and hear her self-talking. The audience will not miss any physical or emotional suggestions the performers give on stage if the device can be used to the maximum of efficiency, and there is no need to worry about the problem of location or position.

To the conclusion, a simple setting on stage in a theater is always my favorite.
I always hold the idea that the simpler a setting is, the better it will do. So I think a bed, a wine bar and a simple balcony only with a railing abound can be just enough. There is no need to put many things on stage and build a realistic atmosphere. It is not necessary, because performers can exactly deliver that idea—what the audience sees is real.

The Stage Design of Jesus Christ Superstar

Judas, a tragic man who is bearing the crime of betraying Jesus, is my favorite character in this play, and he is the reason I choose Jesus Christ Superstar to be my subject of my project. Because I am not a Christian and know little things about the Bible, I believe what people have told me that Judas is an unreligious follower who is tempted to be a betrayer of Jesus but this play shows that I am wrong in judging a person too fast. I shouldn’t take what most people say as the truths without my own judgments. After watching this play, I have different views toward the figures appearing in the Bible. I don’t regard what this play suggests as the only truths because I don’t want to make the same mistake again. However, this play is my subject after all and I am not the maker of this masterpiece, so I have to try my best to keep everything original when I design the stage.

In my design, I separate the stage into two parts: the lower one is for greedy people who are addicted to power and wealth. The upper one is for people who are really noble or just seem noble.

Gaiaphas and other priests are planning to kill Jesus for keeping their authority intact. All these things happen in the first floor, because what they are going to do have to de done in secret. Moreover, their intentions are so evil that they can never stand at the upper place. They are only belonging to Hell. They represent the bad side of human nature, and showing us that human beings can be defeated by just using money and power.

The upper floor is for Jesus, his followers and mobs. As you can see, in the two sides of this floor, there are two small triangle places. Take a closer look, and you can find they both have diaphanous walls to separate them from the central stage. These two small places are where mobs and most of Jesus’ followers should stay, because they are still too humanistic as comparing to Mary, Judas and Jesus. Though they worship Jesus in the beginning, what they want and think of are all for their causes. They want to be saved, but they refuse to sacrifice any thing. They admire Jesus for making Jesus be the scapegoat of their desire, so they are the murderers indeed. Like Judas is the scapegoat of God, God use Judas to have Jesus, and that’s why Judas cries out “You have murdered me!” at the very end of his suicide—god is responsible for Judas death.

Those people who stand at the small places of two sides and stay with Jesus all the time seem like that they understand him very much. As the matter of fact, they didn’t and they won’t, because they don’t even try to understand Jesus after all. They can touch Jesus’ body, but they are never able to touch his heart. There are always walls between them and Jesus, and all they can do is stay in the walls and pray. Contrary to them, Mary and Judas are the only figures who can feel what Jesus feels, so they have the qualification to be in the center of the stage in the second floor with Jesus.

You may ask me then how two people in different floors communicate with each other. It is a problem indeed, so I make a huge screen at the center of the wall in the upper floor. This device is the only connection between them. Furthermore, in my interpretation, ordinary people’s misunderstandings of Jesus result in Jesus’ death, and Gaiaphas and King Herod are just doing the action for them. Well, a good king should know what people want and do people want him to do, so based on this principle then King Herod can be taken as a good king, right? According to my explanation, in this crucifying scene, I prefer to use the big screen to show the process of crucifying Jesus, instead of doing this scene with real actions on stage. The screen will be turned off when it comes to Judas’s song “Superstar”, and Jesus will show up as a real man who is hanging on a cross.

In the last scene, Jesus’ monologue, the screen comes back to work again. The beginning of this scene will have only character lest—miserable Jesus. The screen shows a flood of blood moving from the top, until the whole screen becomes totally red. This effect comes along with Jesus’ singing. At the very last moment, when Jesus cries out the last two words “MY SPIRIT”, every light will be opened, including the screen which is one of the lights at this time, and then Jesus will die in glory.

I enjoy designing the stage of this play, because I try hard to presents the touches I got from this play and I hope people can feel the pressures I experienced. I think the most important thing we learn from a show is not what it is talking about, but what it is suggesting. This play offers me overwhelmingly different point of views to look each figure in the Bible. And I know that Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice were not trying to challenge the faiths of Christianity. They just intended to look for the truths of Christianity for there are still so many questions remaining.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


課程:三國時代文史概論 期末報告

學生:黃寒筠 外文二 B931020035





漢宣帝 劉詢(前91~前49)漢武帝的曾孫,繼漢昭帝後即位。漢武帝晚年,太子劉據與其子使皇孫,都因巫蠱之禍而死,當時劉詢出世僅數月,流落民間,深知民間疾苦和吏治得失,故親政後,勵精圖治,任用賢能,他對吏治特別重視,他認為「百姓之所以能安居樂業,沒有嘆息仇恨之心,在於政事清正,能以我做到這一點的,唯有好的二千石郡守(基層的小吏)。」在經濟上採取的重要措施是招撫游民,恢復和發展農業生產。漢宣帝尊崇儒學,但儒,法並用。「霸王道雜之」,是德化和法治相結合的政治思想。











胡言亂語說書人 (zino) 2008/05/13 12:51




我倒不是說,人不可以學非所用(我自個兒也是這樣),但重點是你總得找對方向,總得在一個工作上有一定的付出吧!。這個類型的履歷,往往帶著份OS說 著:我不喜歡我現在的工作,給我個逃出生天的機會吧!但對我來說,這個告白可以翻譯成:我一直不知道我要做啥?可以用你公司的資源,讓我再做個實驗嗎?答 案,當然是不行。我的公司願意提供機會給有潛力的人,但決不願意把時間、精神與金錢,浪費在不知道自己要什麼的傢伙上。

其 次,我想,耐力真的要充足。我發現很多其實很優秀的人才,在一個公司貢獻了好一段時間;但或許因為工作的倦怠或者升遷的阻礙,於是必須換個環境來試看看。 這很合理,但我覺得應該要往自己原本就作熟手的領域中去找。因為這樣,你才值錢!對很多雇主來說,聘用有豐厚經驗的人,買得他長時間累積下來的經驗,是極 為划算的交易。但這類朋友,卻可能因為原本公司或工作上造成的不愉快,而對自己熟稔的領域失望。於是乎,我會看到學、經歷都令我震驚的履歷,想要來找一個 毫不相關且相對來說極不起眼的職缺。這樣的履歷,好像很壓抑地說著:我不計較待遇、職位或工作,只要讓我別幹現在幹的事兒就好!我心中能給的答案卻會是: 抱歉,小廟真的難容您這樣的大和尚!

不 盡然是對所待公司的堅持,但應該是對所做行業的執著吧!都走到了這個關鍵點,成敗往往在撐或放棄之間而已。撐下去,我相信就會發現自己現在的不足;能夠面 對自己的短處,就能夠找到通往卓越的路。戲棚下得站得夠久,既然早已不是行業中的菜鳥,又何必把好不容易卡到的位子這樣輕易的讓出來,去賭上一個未知?




這 種履歷通常都聲音不大不小地說著:請讓我遠大的志向有個平凡的施力點,我一定可以飛得又高又遠!幫幫忙,讓你飛走了,我的事誰來做?更何況你是想做別的, 只是怕沒有工作,所以要「屈就」一下,那你會專心在我給你的工作上嗎?到時候藉口一堆,工作上本分搞得亂七八糟,誰比較委屈還不知道呢?而且,是誰說行政 工作人人能做?你也可以?對我而言,那是一份了不起的專業!




面對這樣制式的履歷,就請乖乖地填吧!工作經歷越詳盡、越貼切,看的人讀下去的機會越高。自傳能文筆流暢、沒有錯字,至少代表你基本的馬步不太鬆散。如果真要搞怪,那還不如把精心設計的自創履歷,按人力銀行登記的e-mail address寄到雇主方的指定信箱中。




除 非被挑出的履歷有特別說明,否則我們都會再上班時間進行通知。如果這時受話方的電話響了半天,接電話的人接起後,傳達了整話筒濃濃的睡意,那我們恐怕也就 謝謝再聯絡了。因為,這下子履歷上應該會有個「宅」字,或被描繪出一幅滿布蜘蛛網的圖像吧!我很難想像,一個上班時間仍在睡覺的求職者,到底為什麼要求 職?又以什麼心態在求職?懷才不遇而自暴自棄?或其實外務應酬滿檔,所以日夜顛倒?那都不是企業想要的目標吧?

而若是接起電話的人,在同仁報出我們的公司名稱後,反應是「什麼公司」?再強調一次後,回答是「啥?恩....」,OK, 那麼這份履歷上會記載著:「不知道自己有應徵本公司職務」。我們在登載職缺時,明確地於人力銀行介面中,點選只收主動、自願投遞的履歷,不接受系統自動媒 合。也就是說,這是求職者自己投來的;我管你投了幾千封,如果自己做過的事都沒有記憶,那麼我想這人一定無法對自己的工作負責。所以,有機會也不必再聊 了!

如 果應徵者在接到通之電話後,與我們恪遵電話禮儀的同仁間,對答全然沒有「請、謝謝、對不起」,或者明顯地擺出一副「不是他求職、而是我們拜託他來上班的」 姿態,那麼他的履歷上就會載名:「沒禮貌」!有的求職者很讓人吃驚,在接到面試通之電話時,粗鄙地就問自己有多大的權力、管多少人?也有的只會「恩」、 「喔」、「知道了」,好像是我們跟他報告事情。這些,就請都留在家裡當老大吧!


有的求職者,會讓同仁在履歷上記載了極佳好評。原因都是對公司有做基本的功課,或有很好的臨場反應。舉個例子,有份履歷上寫著:反應佳、應變能力強。我問同仁怎麼說?同仁告訴我在通知時,對方似乎遇到了什麼突發狀況,但很鎮定且禮貌地請同仁能不能在10分 鐘後再次打電話給他,並且因這樣的要求清楚地致歉。同仁依約再撥,才知道這位朋友接起電話時剛好要通過捷運閘門,但悠遊卡卻出現問題;在不耽誤後方人潮與 必須應付這通重要電話的考量下,他一邊退出門檔區,一邊請同仁協助回撥電話,然後到服務台尋求答案。一個願意為自身臨機狀況負責解決的人,在面試之前就加 了很高的分數啊!


我 想,守時為要。守時,不遲到是當然的標準。找工作都遲到了,我想對雇主方而言,以後上班遲到跟任務失敗的機率值,那真是可預期的高啊!但除了不遲到外,不 更改約定好的時間,也是守時之必須。很多人常常以自己的時間為主,在面試到來的當天或前一天才通知要更動他應試的時間。我們現在的答案也都是:「這樣啊, 那您忙,我們不敢再耽誤您的時間了!」不必改了,這樣就不必來了唄!難不成都把公司跟主試的主管當作自由自在的閒人嗎?不知道這個時間就是為了你特意空下 來的嗎?既然無緣,那真不必再相見了。

而 面試的服裝,我想各大節目或新聞最近都會講得非常仔細。但我總覺得,重點是應試的人透過穿著告訴想去的公司:「我可以跟你們同一國」!不是每個主試官都是 金控主管或航空公司的高層,都得看到成套的深色西裝或套裝。很多有趣的行業,要的是得體而不隨便罷了;想想看,如果主試官穿著POLO衫配牛仔褲,但應試者卻是西裝筆挺,那種感覺倒真是對比啊!不過如果按照一般的認知穿,那就請在應試時ㄍㄧㄥ到底吧。該打領帶就打著、絲襪該穿還得穿;不要讓人有半調子的感覺,會比較替自己加分。

還 有,既然花時間去談了,那就用點功;看看人家公司的過往,瞭解一下這個產業。談起來要是一點基礎點都沒有,說實在,還真是為難主試官。此外,千萬別怕開條 件,只要你的要求合理。這也是應該做功課的重要理由啊!如果你喜歡這個職務,別以為委屈自己就得的到;很多時候談薪酬時的扭扭捏捏,等於對自己能力的不敢 肯定。更何況如果搞不清楚公司的福利制度,那進來後才後悔,豈非枉然?工作面試跟考試不同,面對兩者,姿態或許都得低一點,但記得求職基本上還是一場交 易;買方都希望用最低的價格,買到最好的結果,但卻也害怕開不出價格的商品,因為那要不是不值,就是買不起!


Friday, September 5, 2008

Reading Note: Simplicity by William Zinsser

This article definitely is a masterpiece and appreciated very much, and it surely clearly convey the idea of ideal writing. The theme is the importance of simplicity in writing, if I don't interpret it wrong, but the whole article is kind of not so easy to completely understand, at least for me. As he said, I was lost from time to time by the examples, similes and metaphors he applied to illustrate his idea. Here, I couldn't help admiring his foreseeing ability, just like he mentioned in paragraph 10, when I couldn't keep path with his train of thought, the first reaction of mine was to take the blame on myself. I kept reviewing the sections I didn't realize over and over again, but all my efforts were in vain eventually. Therefore, I just marked question marks on the margins of those sections in the end, and hoping teacher explains them in class. Hence, I wasn't sure weather I should follow his suggestion that my sufferings in reading and trying my best to understand it are all owing to his fault by making hiss work too hard. Next day, I found out that I have to give a reading note about this article, without any clues in mind, so I was absolutely in panic and wailing about the sufferings returned. But this time, it was a totally different experience from the last time. I didn’t know why I suddenly came to realize what he is trying to say, the skills, words, structure, and all the rhetoric he used in this great piece. It just seems like everything becomes so clearly to me and cause an echo in my mind and agreement almost one hundred percent.

Here, I would like to mention something I found from the second reading. I very much appreciated the transition between par.2 and par.3, because at the end of par.2 he said it will sound wrong if a formal speech or paper is using in a simple language, and it causes an obvious contrast with the beginning of par.3, according to the first sentence of this paragraph-- "But the secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components." In addition, the satirical sentence at the bottom of the paragraph is also one of my favorites. ("They usually occur in proportion to education and rank.") Also, the examples he illustrated are definitely effective to help him to clear out his points and efficient enough to assist readers to keep up with him. For instance, he offered two contrary examples to raise his view about how significant the simplicity is much better than the complexity in writing. Using Walden's story to lead readers to pay attention to that clear and good writing deviates from clear thinking is another excellent job done by him. Finally, the most interesting part I consider is at par.8 and his argument is really overwhelming my original concept. Who is the elusive creature on earth? In my interpretation, the answer is the writers who make their readers missing on the way and can't follow the writers' train of though again. Once readers get bored in reading and tried of searching writers traces, they will give up and rather than go sleeping.

Now I figure out the reason why William puzzled my so much at the first time I read this article, and William certainly is not the one should be blamed. Not only clear thinking can becomes clear writing, but also clear mind leads to a clear train of thought and logic for interpreting. It was my fault that I shouldn't appreciate a masterpiece in the middle of night like just reading children’s books, even trying to use it to sleep myself. However, there still remains something I don't understand, "fuss" in par.11 for example.

All in all, I consider William does well in corresponding the beginning to the ending. The very first sentence points to the theme directly, and the word "disease" implies that the situation will get worse and worse if they don't find a way to deal with the phenomenon in American society. As to the last paragraph, he reclaimed his point of view and told people that writing is originally not an easy job, let alone writing in a simple form with clear thinking.

Definition of Hero

We can often hear this line which a woman says to the leading actor in a movie, and that is “You are my hero!” Simultaneously, we can take an easy guess that the man must have done some special things which can touch the woman very much.
However, let us trace back to the history to find out the meanings and the usages of hero. In the very beginning, hero means a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability. They have marvelous power to complete a thing that most people couldn’t do. Besides, they are as great as gods, and gods are considered to be venerable and have high moralities. Therefore, hero is regarded to be brave and well-conducted, and he has to be a good model to people and be worthy to be admired by people.
In ancient time, if a soldier who showed great courage in a war, then people would call him a hero. That’s because he already achieved the standards to be a hero I mentioned above, he deserved to get the honor. There are so many examples in the mythology can prove that, such as Hector and Achilles in Troy, and Oedipus in Oedipus the King. We all can’t deny they are absolutely heroes, for they are the men admired for not only their achievement but also noble qualities.
Time faded away, and the meaning of hero changed as well. Human beings are such smart animals that we have enough intelligence to develop advanced civilization to make our lives more colorful, such as dramas, poetry and novels. For that reason, at this time, hero could be thought as the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work. In addition, extending the meaning, a hero could also mean the central figure in an event, period or movement. All in all, at this age, hero was the one who was capable of catching people’s eyes and always being the spotlight.
Nowadays, in modern language today we use, the new meaning of hero is a little different from the old time. Now, we consider hero more like an idol, a representation or symbol of an object of worship. In this interpretation, hero is a pronoun for someone who finishes a great work or does an earth-shattering achievement that ordinary people can not do; he is so excellent and ideal that everyone can help but adore him.
But, have you ever wonder how a hero is able to get this kind of honor from people? It’s easy! Just work as harder as you can, and try your best to be an object of extreme admiration and devotion. By doing so, and soon you will make all eyes on you, just a hero!


趙大衛 生命倫理的探索 學期報告

黃寒筠 外文二 B93120035





